Your essential guide to managing dental emergencies

Stay calm and act swiftly!

Intan Nobury


May 30, 23

4 min read

Hands up if you’ve ever had a dental emergency and instead of going to the dentist, you googled it? Cause, same. We all know how stressful when something unexpected happens, especially not knowing what is going on, why you’re feeling discomfort, how long it will last and how much it would cost if you needed to do something about it. In saying this, acting promptly and effectively can have a big impact on the outcome, whether it's a sudden toothache, a broken tooth, or a mouth injury. In this blog post, we'll look at some frequent dental crises and offer actionable advice on how to handle them. Dental concerns can often be managed successfully and your oral health can be preserved if you’re prepared by adopting the appropriate precautions.

What is your dental emergency?

In the event of a dental emergency, it's imperative to maintain composure and make a thorough assessment of the situation. To choose the best course of action, consider how serious the injury or condition is. Not sure what the issue is? Read below to determine which category best describes your situation. 

Abscess or Toothache

An abscess or infection may be present if you have a strong toothache or detect swelling around the tooth. Make an emergency dental appointment, rinse your mouth with warm saltwater to minimise swelling, and apply a cool compress to the affected area.

Knocked-Out Tooth

A tooth that has been knocked out will need to be treated right away. If the tooth is dirty or covered in blood, gently rinse it with water before attempting to re-insert it into the socket (if you dare to do this yourself). Carefully pick up the tooth by the crown (avoid touching the root). Alternatively, put the tooth in a jar with milk or container and visit the dentist as soon as possible—within 30 minutes—for the best chance of saving it.

Broken or Chipped Tooth

If a tooth is broken or chipped, rinse your mouth with warm water and try to collect any shattered pieces. To reduce swelling, use a cold compress to the affected area. Then, get dental care as soon as you can. Your dentist will advise the best course of action based on the extent of the damage, such as dental bonding, veneers, or a dental crown. If the chip is very minor, sometimes it can be leveled out with minor shaving. 

Soft Tissue Injuries

Bleeding may occur if the lips, tongue, cheeks, or gums are wounded. To stop the bleeding, gently press with a clean cloth or piece of gauze while rinsing your mouth with warm saltwater. Seek quick dental or medical assistance if the bleeding continues or if the injury is serious.

Lost Filling or Crown

If a filling or crown falls out, gently clean the area and use dental cement or a temporary dental adhesive to cover the tooth until you can schedule an appointment with your dentist. This can often be purchased from your local chemist or supermarket. Regular glue and adhesive materials should not be used as they can pose a risk to your health and are not suitable for internal use.

Jaw Fracture or Suspected Jaw Injury

It's critical to seek prompt medical assistance in cases of severe trauma or a suspected jaw fracture. Call an ambulance or visit your local hospital's emergency department for prompt assessment and suitable care.

Getting in touch with an emergency dentist

It's critical to have an emergency dentist's contact information at hand. We would recommend saving their contact number to your phone so you aren’t frantically looking for one should an emergency arise. Often when something quite unexpected does arise, we are often panic stricken and aren’t in the right headspace. Help your future self by getting prepared now. 

Although dealing with a dental emergency might be frightening, you can efficiently manage the situation and reduce any potential issues by being prepared and maintaining your composure. Keep in mind that maintaining your oral health requires quick action and seeking competent dental care. In the event of a dental emergency, be ready, keep informed, and don't be afraid to contact your emergency dentist for advice.

Written By

Intan Nobury

An appreciator of art, novels and high intensity sports. With a passion for work and a dangerous addiction to tea.

Disclaimer: This blog article should not be used as a substitute for seeking expert dental counsel; it is solely meant for informational purposes. In the event of a dental emergency, always seek advice from a healthcare professional.