Can porcelain veneers fall off?

Unraveling the bonding process and aftercare



Written:Jul 26, 23Updated:Oct 19, 23
3 min read
Rachel with porcelain veneers after smile makeover at Vogue Dental Studios

If you're considering dental veneers, you might wonder if they could ever go MIA. I certainly felt a sense of anxiety while researching for my own smile makeover. But learning more about the entire process, what I could do to prevent it, and what to do in the worst scenario helped me feel more secure. I was better informed and armed with information. Let me walk you through it!

How are veneers attached to teeth?

Porcelain veneers custom-made thin shells are meticulously attached to the front surface of your teeth using a dental adhesive and an etching process. This bond creates a secure attachment to your tooth structure, ensuring your veneers stay put and harmoniously blend with your natural teeth.

Taking care of your veneers

Your new smile will inspire all kinds of feelings right after your smile makeover. To keep those good vibes going, treat your pearly whites right. We have a full guide on how to best take care of your veneers to prolong their longevity. Here are some simple tips to follow:

  1. Maintain Regular Oral Hygiene: Brush twice daily with a non-abrasive toothpaste and a soft-bristled brush, alongside flossing and gentle interdental cleaning. And, of course, come see us for those regular check-ups.
  2. Avoid Biting Hard Objects: Your veneers are sturdy, but they're not superheroes! Avoid chomping down on ice or using your teeth as bottle openers. Trust me, they'll thank you for it!
  3. Shield Them from Stains: Reduce consumption of stain-inducing culprits like coffee, tea, and red wine, or implement a strategic straw sipping technique.

How long do veneers last?

Ah, the captivating question of longevity! With proper care and love, your veneers can dazzle for 10 to 15 years, sometimes even longer. Their robust composition, combined with your consistent oral habits, fosters a harmonious relationship that stands the test of time. So, keep up that smile maintenance, and they'll be your loyal companions for years to come.

Emergency Mode: Your veneers fell off!

Uh-oh, if a veneer does decide to explore the world without you, don't panic! Stay calm, and follow these steps:

  1. Preserve the Veneer: If possible, carefully retrieve the veneer and place it in a safe environment. Avoid handling it excessively to preserve its integrity. We might be able to reattach it.
  2. Reach Out to Us: Swift communication is paramount! Contact our team promptly to arrange an emergency appointment. We'll prioritize your needs and schedule you in for a veneer rescue mission.
  3. Temporary Fix: If immediate intervention isn't feasible, a temporary dental adhesive can serve as a short-term solution. But remember, it's just a temporary fix – don't delay that dentist visit!

Remember, dental veneers are tough cookies, but they need your TLC. Follow our care tips, and they'll be with you for the long haul. And if a veneer ever falls off, you'll know just what to do - give us a call, we've got your back.

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Chronic maker of bucket lists and makeover dreams. Currently ripping through another mystery novel and most likely multitasking.