Mother and teen daughter embracing with Invisalign at Vogue Dental Studios.

Straighter teeth, uninterrupted.

Invisalign for Teens

We don’t want straightening teeth to be an awkward experience. Give your teen the low-key option for a straighter smile and corrected bite. With Invisalign Teen, your child can continue to enjoy eating as normal and live life uninterrupted. Backed by the data from 9 million smiles worldwide, your teen's customised treatment is built to be predictable.

Invisalign clear aligners are a virtually invisible way to straighten your teen's teeth. Unlike metal braces, the Invisalign system uses a series of clear, removable aligners that are customised for each individual. Your teen can simply wear the aligners over their teeth, changing into a new set approximately every 1-2 weeks. Little by little, your teen's teeth gradually shift into that confident smile, with minimal changes to their routine.

Invisalign clear aligners can treat many forms of malocclusion.

Invisalign is proactive.

Powered by the data of 9 million smiles worldwide, Invisalign provides predictable results based on years of research. From simple to complex, customised treatment plans are created for each individual smile, including growing smiles. Mandibular advancement feature allows for the correction of an overbite in tweens and teens. Precision wings are made to gradually move the lower jaw whilst straightening teeth.

In It Together

Invisalign is a discreet and convenient way to realign your teen's smile. The aligners are easy and quick to remove for eating, drinking, and sports. Removable aligners also make it easier to maintain oral hygiene with easy removal for flossing and brushing. Invisalign is designed so it doesn’t interrupt your teen's daily life - or their social life.

From start to finish, keep track of progress together on the My Invisalign app. A custom tracker with reminder notifications can help your teen stay compliant with the recommended wear time. The Smile Gallery can also motivate them to stay on track as they see real-life progress in their smile.

Unlike metal braces, which comes with a long list of forbidden foods like popcorn and whole apples, Invisalign is without dietary restrictions. As long as they first remove the aligners, teens will be able to eat and drink whatever they like.

No worries - this happens even to the best of us. The first step is always to contact us as soon as possible. Depending on the situation, we either order a replacement or we can move on to the next set if progress allows.

It is recommended that teens wear their aligners for at least 22 hours each day. This is to ensure that the treatment is effective and progress as predicted. The more they wear the aligners, the faster treatment will be overall.

Peace of mind

Straightening teeth will always be a medical procedure. We would never recommend treatment unless we are confident in achieving a safe and effective result. Every Invisalign journey begins with a consultation appointment including an examination to determine suitability. Each Invisalign patient is selected carefully with the highest commitment to safety.

Growing smiles deserve the utmost care and attention. Just like with traditional braces, we believe that face-to-face management is necessary to provide a sufficient level of oversight. This includes regular check-in's to track teeth movement as treatment the progresses. At each review appointment, we will do an extensive examination to ensure the health of your teens teeth and gums. This also gives us valuable time to talk to your teen, listen to their experience, and provide answers to any concerns that they may have.

Free Consultation

Your teen's orthodontic journey begins with a free consultation. During this appointment, we will examine their smile and determine their suitability for Invisalign. We will also discuss any personal concerns or objectives that you may have. A rough outline of the total treatment duration, the complete costs involved, and payment options will be provided at the end of this appointment.

Book Free Consultation

Appointment #2

Getting Started

If your teen is suitable for Invisalign treatment, we will take photos, X-rays, and an accurate impression of their teeth through a 3D scan. Using Invisalign's database, we generate a simulation of your teen's teeth and any expected movement throughout their treatment. A personalised treatment plan is created with this information. Any concerns and objectives will be addressed by one of our senior dentists. Once both you, your teen, and our senior dentist are happy to proceed, we can begin manufacturing the first set of customised Invisalign aligners.

If you decide to proceed, we will collect a non-refundable deposit of $500 which will go towards your treatment at the end of this appointment.

Appointment #3+

The first set of aligners will arrive approximately 2-4 weeks from your scan appointment. Your teen will wear the first two aligners for two weeks at a time before returning for an assessment with our team. Then, we will see your teen every 6-8 weeks to keep track of the movement of their teeth. In these review appointments, we continue to adjust their personalised treatment to reflect real-time progress.

What's next?


After completing their Invisalign or orthodontic treatment, we will provide your teen with one set of upper and lower retainers. Completed treatment does not guarantee perfectly straight teeth forever. Throughout our life, our teeth will continue to shift. Movement is both normal and common. Wearing retainers will help your teen keep their new smile.

Invisalign Before & After

See more Invisalign before & afters

Cost of Invisalign

As we always say, the cost and duration of treatments varies for each person and each circumstance. That's no different for Invisalign treatment. To give you a comprehensive and accurate quote, we do need to examine you personally first. A rough guide for the cost of Invisalign treatment is between $4,500 for the quickest treatment duration, and up to $9,600 for a complex case.

Everyone's smile journey is unique. During your free consultation, you'll receive a comprehensive personalised quote which breaks down the cost, duration, the treatment best suited to your situation, and all the details on what to expect during your treatment.

Invisalign FAQs

The length of Invisalign treatment is dependent on the severity of each individual patient’s orthodontic issues. Treatment may vary from anywhere between six months to two years with an average treatment taking around 12 to 14 months.

Aligners should be worn all day except when eating, brushing and flossing. We recommend for your aligners to be worn at least 22 hours a day. The more you wear it, the better your results.

You can eat and drink whatever you desire - just remember to remove your aligners first. The only beverage you can drink with aligners on is water. And it is important that you brush your teeth after each meal and prior to reinserting your aligners to maintain proper hygiene.