Jack Vidgen, from The Voice, with Picasso Porcelain Veneers by Dr Dee at Vogue Dental Studios.

x10 Picasso Porcelain Veneers

Jack Vidgen

Jack came to Dr Dee to replace old composite veneers and opted for x10 Picasso Porcelain Veneers.

Jack's Concerns

  • Bulky old composites

  • Staining

  • Chipped composites

  • Shapes


Composite veneers will last on average 5 to 7 years, depending on multiple factors. In Jack's case, his composite veneers were stained and chipped, and he decided it was time for replacement. Dr Dee worked with Jack to make small tweaks to his smile line and address the color and chipping. Jack's new smile includes x10 Picasso Porcelain Veneers.