Heavy grinder and MAFS star, Nick Furphy, after porcelain veneers smile makeover.

x20 Picasso Porcelain Veneers

Nick Furphy

After discussing his options, Nick decided on Picasso Porcelain Veneers in combination with gum laser surgery.

Nick's Concerns

  • Narrow Smile Line

  • Colour and Staining

  • Gummy Smile

  • Chipped and short teeth from severe grinding

Nick had healthy teeth in perfect alignment. The only problem that Nick experienced was severe bruxism. This means that Nick was grinding his teeth heavily. Both his upper and lower teeth had become short as a result. After appearing on the big screen, Nick noted that his smile appeared gummy due to this effect, and came to Dr Dee to look at some treatment options.

Nick's smile transformation involved gum laser surgery.


Dr Dee completed x10 Picasso Porcelain Veneers and gum laser surgery on his top teeth and x10 Picasso Porcelain Veneers on his lowers, three months apart.

For optimal results, Dr Dee had done this approximately 3 months apart to allow Nick to adjust to his new bite.

Gum laser surgery in combination with veneers helped to make Nick's smile less gummy.

Nick Furphy with Dr Dee at the annual White Night event at Vogue Dental Studios.