Tash Herz from MAFS after smile makeover by Dr Dee at Vogue Dental Studios.

x12 Picasso Porcelain Veneers

Tash Herz

Tash's smile makeover was completed with x12 Picasso Porcelain Veneers.

01Twelve strategically placed porcelain veneers lengthened and widened her smile.

Tash's Smile Journey

Dr Dee completed Tash's smile makeover with x12 Picasso Porcelain Veneers.

Tash's Concerns

  • Dull Colour

  • Chipped Teeth

  • Uneven Shapes

  • Narrow Smile Line

What are Picasso Porcelain Veneers®?

Vogue Dental offers our very own brand of porcelain veneers: Picasso Porcelain Veneers®

Each veneer is hand-crafted and made-to-order based on a 3D scan of your teeth, allowing you to select the shade of your choice. Following the digital design phase, we provide temporary veneers for a trial period to ensure a precise fit. Your veneers should feel as comfortable as your natural teeth. Once any necessary refinements are made, the meticulous process of crafting your hand-layered veneers begins.

The exciting moment arrives when you can try on your Picasso veneers using a temporary adhesive during an appointment with our master ceramist. Once you're satisfied with the result, we can officially cement them, marking the completion of the transformation, and you can proudly display your new smile!

To start your smile journey, reach out to our skilled team at our Melbourne, Sydney, and Gold Coast studios. Book a consultation to get started with your new smile!

Will my veneers match my other teeth?

Absolutely! Here at Vogue Dental Studios, we ensure that your dental veneers seamlessly blend with your natural shade and your natural smile line. However, the final decision on the brightness and the shape of your veneers is in your hands. We offer guidance on shades, shapes, and recommendations, and you have the flexibility to choose a brighter tone or different shape if desired.

You can choose to preserve your natural aesthetics while making refinements like Moraya did. Each smile is individual and we celebrate those differences that makes us unique!

For the shade, achieving a brighter look in the rest of your smile can be easily attained through regular teeth whitening. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we're here to assist you at every step.

Our design philosophy

Complete Smile Makeovers

We work with our own exclusive brand of veneers from the Picasso Veneers Series™️ including porcelain veneers, hybrid veneers, and composite resin veneers.

Our smile makeovers are always customised to each individual smile, using the best tool to achieve the aesthetic and functional goals, whether that be with crowns, implants, or bridges.

For those seeking something more unique, we also work with gold, diamond, and other designer materials at the request of our clients.

See more before & after's Book a consultation

Porcelain veneers cost roughly between $1300 to $3500 per tooth depending on the complexity of treatment. Exact quotes can only be established through a consultation appointment with Dr Dee.

We also offer Smile Makeover packages of 6 to 12 porcelain veneers. Package details can be obtained by contacting us directly.

Get in touch

Picasso Porcelain Veneers® are Vogue Dental Studios' very own brand of porcelain veneers, personally developed by Dr. Dee. They are hand-layered, individually created and personalised to each and every patient. Using a variety of different porcelains, depending on what’s best suited to you, Dr Dee works exclusively with our master ceramist to architect the design of these veneers.

Picasso Ultra Hybrid Veneers™️ are exclusive to Vogue Dental Studios and are made with perfect blend of Ceramic and Composite materials. These are digitally designed by Dr. Tom or Dr. Dee and hand finished by our Master Ceramists in the same way as our Picasso Porcelain Veneers ™️.

Yes. We offer both composite and porcelain crowns and bridges. Like our veneers, we aim to replicate function while achieving a natural aesthetic result. As always, the best way to determine what is most suitable for you is to start with a consultation.

When done correctly, Porcelain Veneers should last 10-15+ years. Vogue Dental Studios recommend looking after your oral hygiene by booking in regular check up and clean appointments, limiting sugary foods and beverages, brush and flossing twice daily, drinking plenty of water and wearing a night time splint if you grind your teeth. The longevity of your veneers will depend on how you look after them.

The colour of your Picasso Porcelain Veneers™️ is always left up to you. Dr Dee will make recommendations and trial different shades on your appointments. At the end of the day, colour will always be the choice of the patient. We will design the shapes, edges, translucency and style to suit your facial features and you will choose your colour.

We offer affordable payment plans through third-party companies. Our staff can guide you through our payment plan options.

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Porcelain veneers are made from ultra-thin ceramic porcelain. Bonded (composite) veneers are made from a composite resin. Porcelain veneers are longer lasting and provide a more natural look. Bonded veneers utilizes a minimally invasive procedure and are less expensive.

The best way to determine which option to choose is to speak with a senior dentist. Don't be afraid to discuss your expectations, anxieties, aspirations, and budget. We firmly believe in responsible aesthetics. The best option is always the one that best fits your specific needs.

Level of cover is dependent on each health insurance provider. We highly recommend that you contact them directly to confirm if you are covered for treatment. Upon consultation, a detailed treatment plan will be given to you including the item numbers for insurance purposes.

The colour of your veneers will be in your hands! We will give you a guide shade and recommendation but ultimately, you will make the final decision of the brightness of your veneers. During this stage, we will also ask you to consider your skin tone in different seasons (whether you tan a lot in summer or lighten during winter), whether you like wearing lipstick/tanning products and most importantly, whether you can continue maintaining the shade of your other teeth.

Ultimately, if you want a really white colour, you can continue matching the shade by upholding regular lower whitening.

Your suitability for treatment can only be assessed during a consultation and examination appointment. Generally, porcelain veneers are great for chipped teeth to restore the strength to prevent from any further chipping to occur. They are also a great cosmetic option to restore the aesthetics of the chipped teeth.

An assessment will be made prior to you getting porcelain veneers to ensure you are a suitable candidate with good oral hygiene and healthy teeth. If there are any fillings or root canal treatments required, this will be discussed and arranged prior to any cosmetic work. In saying this, you can be prone to cavities with veneers if your underlying teeth are not looked after. Preventative dentistry including brushing and flossing twice daily with regular dental visits, and wearing a mouthguard are highly recommended to avoid and control any cavities if they do arise.

During your consultation and examination appointment, a senior dentist will do a thorough assessment for your suitability for veneers and explain other alternatives and possible treatment options as well. There are generally two types of preparations for porcelain veneers:

Minimal to no-prep veneers is when your teeth are in optimal position for the veneers to be placed on top of. This requires little to no shaving and only minor preparation of your tooth’s surface.

Prep: If your teeth are misaligned, crowded or not in an ideal position for veneers and you are not interested in orthodontic or Invisalign treatment to realign your teeth, the senior dentist will then have to prep your teeth. Prepping your teeth will include shaving off your teeth. New technology wafer thin porcelain veneers now means that less tooth structure will be removed compared to the older technology.

As with many things in life – nothing lasts forever. Porcelain veneers and crowns are strong and durable but this doesn’t make them invincible.

  1. A force or trauma to your tooth can cause your veneer and natural teeth to fracture or chip. This can also occur if patients have continuous bad habits including chewing on ice or biting pens.

  2. If you do not follow your aftercare procedures for preventative dentistry including regular check up and cleans or wearing your mouth guard, you risk your oral health.

  3. If the enamel below your veneer decays, dental treatment will be required which may involve the removal of your veneer.

  4. Gum recession can also be a factor in having your veneers replaced. Many factors can contribute to the recession of gums including age, brushing too vigorously deficient oral hygiene or even genetics.

Whilst wearing your temporary veneers, we ask that you take great care and go on a soft food diet to avoid breaking your temps. Your temporary veneers can break or chip if you have hard solids so we ask that you keep away from crunchy snacks (such as apples and carrots) and instead have softer foods (such as potato mash, yoghurt, soups etc.).

Please note: your temporary veneers are very prone to staining. We recommend that you avoid highly colored meals such as curries, turmeric, beetroot, red wine, teas and coffees.

Good news is that you can eat and drink anything you want with porcelain veneers! For the first few weeks, you may experience some sensitivity and we advise that you chop your crunchy foods into smaller, bite-sized portions until you get used to eating with your new veneers.

We would advise that you avoid biting on the front of your teeth and look after your new smile as you would your old smile – with love, care and good oral hygiene.

Porcelain Veneers are aimed to facilitate and possibly address differentiating cosmetic dental conditions. It is extremely important to arrange a thorough consultation and discussion with a qualified health professional and doing extensive research before moving forward with treatment to assess your suitability for porcelain veneers.

Patients with the following dental concerns often look at porcelain veneers as a treatment option:

  • MISALIGNED TEETH | Malocclusions are most frequently alleviated with orthodontic fixed braces or Invisalign. Minor misalignment can be cosmetically corrected with porcelain veneers.

  • DISCOLOURED/STAINED TEETH | Porcelain veneers are aimed to closely replicate the appearance of each individual tooth, not a generic one. With a variety of shades that are meticulously matched to your own or your chosen preference. Patients with discoloured and/or stained teeth that are impervious to bleaching often look at porcelain veneers as an alternative and longer lasting solution to whitening treatment.

  • THIN ENAMEL | General wear and tear as well as everyday acidic erosion are common factors that can result in the loss of tooth enamel. In this case, Porcelain Veneers could act as protective barrier that can shield your teeth from ongoing structural deterioration and thin enamel.

  • DIASTEMA | For those who are suffering from diastema (also known as gappy teeth) can turn to veneers as a possible solution. Your teeth can be reshaped and gaps can be designed to look naturally spaced or completely closed, depending on your preference.

  • CHIPPED/BROKEN TEETH | Individuals that may have chipped their enamel – where it may be in sport, an accident or even from trying to open a bottle with their teeth – can look into porcelain veneers as a treatment option. We will assess the entire structure, configuration and size to enrich your own personal facial features.

  • MICRODONTIA | We are all born with dissimilar and unique dental identities. Porcelain veneers are a great way of cosmetically altering the appearance of undesired microdontia (small teeth).

An effective way to protect your bonded veneers is to wear a night time splint. This will help ensure that you avoid chipping or breaking them if you happen to grind your teeth or lock your jaw as you sleep.

Other methods of fortification include:

  • Regular cleaning and maintenance

  • Minimise bad habits – biting your nails, chewing on pens, cutting tape with your teeth, etc

  • Avoid high consumption of food or beverages that have teeth staining agents

  • Avoid biting into hard items

  • See your dentist for a 6 monthly check-up, clean and polish

Bonded veneers cost approximately $850 per tooth. An exact quote can be obtained through a consultation appointment.

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Veneers FAQs

Your Questions Answered

Cosmetic & Restorative Consultations

All smile makeovers begin with a consultation. This comprehensive appointment includes a thorough examination and smile analysis with our clinicians. During your appointment, we will discuss your treatment objectives, review any concerns, and your desired outcomes. We have experience caring for interstate and international patients.

Consultations with our senior clinicians are $220 pre-paid; however, this is redeemable towards any cosmetic treatment you choose to go ahead with. Please plan your time accordingly as the appointment is approximately 60 minutes in duration.

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