Toothaches & Pain

Tooth pain can have many forms. You may feel it when you eat something hot or cold. You may feel a sharp pain once in a while. It may be dull and persisting. In all its forms, tooth pain indicates an underlying problem. The best thing to do is see your dentist.

In order to assist you as best as we can, we would need more information to treat you as soon as possible. Here is what to tell us as soon as possible:

  • How long have you been in pain?

  • Where do you feel pain? Is it a tooth, the gums, or the jaw?

  • Is the pain sharp or dull?

  • How often does the pain occur? Constant or sometimes?

  • When does the pain occur? Is it all the time? At night? While eating?

  • Are there related dental issues? Has an affected tooth suffered trauma? Is a wisdom tooth still growing?Book an appointment

What causes toothaches?

Common causes for toothaches are:

Tooth decay - Bacteria can erode protective enamel and expose nerve endings, resulting in pain.

Gum disease - Plaque beneath the gum can damage the roots of teeth and the supporting bone as well.

Infection or abscess - Both tooth decay and gum disease can result in the formation or an abscess near the root, leading to pain.

Trauma - A chipped or cracked tooth is an exposed tooth! Increased sensitivity will result in pain.

Grinding - Clenching or grinding will wear down teeth over time, exposing more of the inner structure.

Misalignment - Teeth that not properly aligned can exert pressure on each other and cause pain.

How to ease pain

Try these at-home strategies to ease discomfort before attending your appointment.

Gargle salt water - This will remove bacteria and reduce swelling.

Apply ice - Apply an ice pack on your cheek (not your tooth!) sparingly to reduce swelling.

Take a pain killer - Take over-the-counter pain relief medication as directed by the instructions on the box.