Anthony Cincotta with Picasso Porcelain Veneers® from Vogue Dental Studios

Dental Crowns & Bridges Gold Coast

Smile with a full set of teeth with Vogue Dental Studio’s professional dental crowns & bridges on the Gold Coast!

Restoring Smiles with Dental Crowns & Bridges

Vogue Dental Studios offers professional and high-quality dental crowns and bridges as effective restorative dental streatments. Specialising in dentistry that restores smiles and improves confidence, our team of skilled dentists in our Gold Coast clinic can help you to restore your smile with a solution that both looks and feels great.

Our dental crowns and bridges are suitable for both restorative and cosmetic purposes, whether you are looking to improve the appearance of a damaged tooth, or to protect it from further damage.

What Are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns are custom-made covers designed to fit over damaged, cracked, fractured, or decayed teeth, restoring their natural look and function. These crowns conceal imperfections and missing portions of the original tooth, often crafted from premium materials that contribute to a natural appearance. 

At Vogue Dental Studio, we offer two different types of dental crowns and bridges: porcelain and composite. 

Porcelain dental crowns are the long-lasting option of the two, as they involve securely bonding the porcelain material to your natural tooth enamel using a robust cement, ensuring their permanence. They not only provide durable and natural coverage but also come with stain protection and robust damage prevention, guaranteeing both aesthetic appeal and functional reliability. Our Picasso Porcelain Crowns™ are custom-made with high-quality materials — ultra-thin ceramic porcelain and crafted by our master ceramist.

Composite dental crowns make use of a special bonded resin shaped by our dentists for your teeth. They don’t last as long as our premium porcelain crowns, but are less invasive and expensive.

How Does the Dental Crowns Procedure Look Like?

The procedure for the installation of a dental crown is will typically look like this: 

  1. Initial Assessment: During the first appointment, our expert dental crown dentists will assess your mouth and to determine if a dental crown is suitable. They will then prepare the tooth by removing some of its structure to ensure a proper fit for the crown.

  2. Impression Taking: A dental impression of your damaged tooth will be made. This impression will be sent to our master ceramists who will custom make your dental crown in either composite or our Picasso Porcelain material.

  3. Waiting Period: While your dental crown is being manufactured, you will have to wait up to two weeks for it to be completed.

  4. Second Appointment: Once the dental crown is ready, you will have to attend another appointment for it to be installed. During this visit, our dentists will carefully bond the custom-made crown to the prepared tooth, completing the process.

What About Dental Bridges?

Dental bridges are similar to dental crowns in terms of function, except that they are designed to be fitted over several teeth at once. This makes them ideal for filling a gap left from a missing tooth with high quality custom teeth that looks and feels natural. 

A dental bridge is usually supported by the teeth adjacent to the missing tooth, and is placed like a cap over the existing teeth to form a row of natural-looking and functional teeth. 

Like dental crowns, dental bridges are an easy treatment that can significantly enhance the appearance of your smile and your overall quality of life.

Frequently Asked Questions

At Vogue Dental Studios, our dental crown procedures in Gold Coast are competitively priced, aligning with the rates of our dental veneers. Our porcelain crowns typically range from $2500 to $3500 per tooth, whereas composite crowns are generally priced around $850 per tooth.

Please note that these figures are estimates and may vary based on the complexity of your treatment and other factors. For a precise quote tailored to your dental crown procedure, schedule a consultation with us.

Book a consultation

Dental crowns serve as robust restorations, effectively restoring and safeguarding damaged teeth. The longevity of crowns varies based on the material employed:

  • Composite Resin Crowns: Typically lasting around three years, these crowns provide a moderate lifespan.

  • Picasso Porcelain Crowns: Crafted from high-quality porcelain, our Picasso Porcelain Crowns offer exceptional durability, with an impressive lifespan ranging from 10 to 20 years.

Maintaining your dental crowns is simple, as you can brush and floss them just like your natural teeth. Adhering to good dental hygiene practices is essential to preserve the health of your teeth and gums, as well as to ensure the long-lasting effectiveness of your dental restorations.

Try to use non-abrasive toothpaste to avoid scratching or damaging the dental crown. Abrasive toothpaste has the potential to remove the glaze covering the crown, leading to a loss of luster and a rougher surface. This roughness can make it easier for plaque and food debris to adhere to the crown.

The dental crowns we provide on the Gold Coast are crafted from materials that are highly resistant to staining and discoloration. They have a non-porous surface that cannot be penetrated by whitening agents present in bleaching products or toothpaste. 

Instead of using whitening products, speak to our dentists about replacing your discoloured dental crowns with new ones that have a more natural colour to fit your teeth.

Following the placement of dental crowns, we recommend to avoid hard-to-chew foods during the initial 24 hours. This gives ample time for the dental cement to set effectively. Here are a few examples of soft foods to consider:

  • Cottage cheese

  • Oatmeal

  • Smoothies

  • Yogurt

  • Mashed potatoes

  • Pasta

  • Eggs