Antoni Topic composite veneers at Vogue Dental Studios

Dental Mouthguards Gold Coast

Protect your smile with Vogue Dental Studios' custom-made dental mouthguards on the Gold Coast.

Custom-Fit Dental Mouthguards on the Gold Coast

Vogue Dental Studios offers custom-designed dental mouthguards from our Gold Coast clinic, designed to safeguard your pearly whites. Whether you’re into sports or need night guards for teeth grinding, our dentists can provide custom mouthguards that offer optimal protection.

Even with diligent oral care, accidents, or habits like teeth grinding can damage your teeth, resulting in more serious, painful, and costly dental problems. Protecting your teeth with a custom mouthguard is a long-term solution that can help you reduce the risk of such issues from occurring. 

Our custom mouthguards are expertly crafted to fit your teeth perfectly, offering unparalleled protection. Book an appointment at our Gold Coast clinic to preserve your smile!

What to Expect at Your Dental Mouthguard Appointment

The process of getting your custom dental mouthguard starts when you book an appointment with our dentists at our Gold Coast clinic. From there, your appointment for custom dental mouthguards will involve the following:

Oral Examination: Our dentists will assess your mouth to create a precise mould for your mouthguard.

Custom Mould Creation: A custom mouthguard is fabricated to the unique shape of your mouth and teeth, ensuring a perfect fit.

Fitting and Adjustment: We will then ensure that the mouthguard fits comfortably and offers optimal protection, making adjustments as needed.

Expert Advice: You will receive guidance on using and maintaining your mouthguard for the best results.

Our dentists guide you through the entire process, ensuring your comfort and the effectiveness of the mouthguard. You may be required to return for regular check-ups to so that our dentists can maintain and adjust your mouthguard for your safety and long-term comfort. Contact our Gold Coast clinic today to learn more about our custom mouthguard solutions.

Benefits of Custom Dental Mouthguards

Custom mouthguards are moulded to your mouth shape, and can provide the following benefits:

• Protection against injuries during sports

• Prevention of teeth grinding damage

• Comfortable fit for uninterrupted sleep

• Preservation of your smile’s integrity

Using dental mouthguards can significantly reduce the risk of dental injuries such as cracked tooth enamel. To enjoy proper protection for your teeth, you should remember to wear them consistently whenever they are needed, like before sleeping or napping, or before playing contact sports. 

We also recommend scheduling a dental check-up every 6 months at our Vogue Dental Studio’s Gold Coast clinic to ensure ongoing protection for your teeth and smile.

Secure Your Smile with Vogue Dental Studio

Vogue Dental Studio is the Gold Coast’s trusted clinic for custom dental mouthguards, offering reliable protection for your smile. Our experienced dentists prioritise your comfort and safety, ensuring a seamless experience.

Contact our friendly team today to schedule an appointment for custom dental mouthguards at our Gold Coast clinic!

Book an appointment

Frequently Asked Questions

The cost of custom dental mouthguards typically ranges between $180-$590, depending on the type of mouthguard needed.

Vogue Dental Studios' offer customised mouth guard solutions, at the following prices:

  • Sports Mouthguards | $180

  • Grinding Splints | $590

  • Retainers | $220 per arch

  • Bleach Trays | $350 with bleach | $299 without bleach

Our custom dental mouthguards are made from a high-quality, non-toxic material that is both flexible and durable. That said, a mouthguard is not designed to last forever - we typically recommend replacing your dental mouthguard every 1 to 2 years, or more frequently if it shows signs of wear and tear.

The process is generally painless. Our dentists will prioritise your comfort throughout the fitting and adjustment stages.

However, if you suffer from extreme tooth or gum sensitivity, or are uneasy about the process, our dentists can offer solutions to ease any discomfort during the process.

The crafting and moulding process will usually take around 1 to 2 weeks to be completed, including the creation and fitting of your custom mouthguard.

Custom dental mouthguards designed for specific purposes, such as sports or teeth grinding, should be worn as advised by our dentists. Wearing it all day might not be recommended unless specifically designed for extended use.