Isabella was born with Hypodontia, which left her with missing teeth, gaps, a crossbite, and malformed adult teeth. After being bullied in high school for her smile, she tried composite veneers at 16, but they wore down over time. Dr. Gina at Vogue Dental Studios transformed Isabella's smile with a combination of Picasso Porcelain Veneers and Bridges.
Missing teeth
Malformed adult teeth
Isabella had always been shy about her smile. Born with Hypodontia, a condition where some teeth are missing, she grew up with gaps, a crossbite, and malformed adult teeth. These dental issues made it difficult for her to smile in photos, and she often faced teasing and bullying during high school. At 16, she tried composite veneers as a temporary fix, but over time, they became worn down, and Isabella knew she needed a more permanent solution to feel truly confident.
Dr. Gina's plan included a combination of Picasso Porcelain Veneers and Bridges, designed to correct the gaps, crossbite, and malformed teeth. After completing her smile makeover and reconstruction, Isabella's transformation in confidence was remarkable.
These are the real stories of our Bring Back a Smile Foundation's smile makeovers.