
A New Start

Though we normally share the complete transformation of our Bring Back A Smile Foundation patients, this lovely patient had to start a new life after enduring so much. She always hated her teeth, never smiled in photos with her children.

01Our patient was concerned with her "bent" teeth

Though we normally share the complete transformation of our Bring Back A Smile Foundation patients, this lovely patient had gone through so much which had left her hiding her identity and starting a new life for herself.

Our patient told us that she would never smile. She always hated her teeth and even refused to smile in photos with her children. She felt that she had “bent” teeth and hated her gaps from her missing teeth. She was also involved in an accident which had affected her front two teeth when she was younger.

With her new start, she came to see Dr. Dee and began planning her complete smile makeover with the help of the team.